Saturday, January 30, 2010


Must believe in YAHWEH and JESUS and let them know you love them and turn from any sinful ways.If you have broken any of the commandments repent and turn from those sins and say sorry to GOD we are living at a time of fullFilment of prophecy and a time of revelation of Jesus in his glory he will bring in peace love and joy for all those that love him and show your love for your fellowman they are many not aware of the importance of our time the end of the age where man dominates to injury each other ,when all we need is LOVE.We must spread the word that faith in Jesus atoning power of his shed blood can cover all our sins if we believe in him.He is ruling in Heaven at the right hand of Gods throne and all power in heaven and on earth has been given to him for he Conquered sin and death by the virtue and Power of his shed blood,YES JESUS blood can make the vilest sinner clean if you havn't dedicated your life to JESUS do so now and pray 'COME INTO MY HEART AND FORGIVE ME OF ALL MY SINS I NOW DEDICATE MY LIFE TO SERVING AND LIVING FOR YOU .I LOVE YOU ALMIGHTY GOD THANKYOU' If you prayed to god you are now forgiven and each time you sin confess your sin and strive to sin no more GOD LOVES YOU

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


LOVE ONE ANOTHER this request comes from God the father of all creation, to love not just our friends but our enemies, Love not just those who love us back but those who cause us problems for they do not really know what harm they do to their own souls. That do not show love to their fellow human beings. Love of divine nature is pure and wants only the best for us his human family . God loves us all but to keep in that good standing we must show love for we reap what we sow, lets concentrate on sowing love for our fellow man no matter what color their skin or if they are of another belief than ours. Soon the governments of this planet will be stood down and Jesus will from heaven set all matters straight. There will be no more war no more pain nor anguished outcry.



I belonged to a religion, one and a half years ago I had scary visions of hell. I didn't think it existed, till I was shown these visions. Now I believe I should warn people in fact it's urgent. We must all turn to JESUS and repent of all our past sins and say sorry to GOD for the way we have treated him and each other. We are told to "LOVE" one another and take care of the little creatures and the planet. The enemy of our souls seeks to lead us away from the truth, why we are here. We are so deceived by the many who come on the basis of the name of "Jesus" who are themselves misled. I was told as I sat by the river asking day after day for four months which path should I follow. Whilst sitting and singing and talking to the sky. "Oh God what shall I do". Then a reply came back saying "I AM BIGGER THAN RELIGION" I asked again the same was said.I asked a third time, no more twice was obviously enough. So from that it seemed that was the answer "GOD IS BIGGER THAN RELIGION". He must mean he searches hearts.

Asked JESUS to be your lord and Savior he wants to love us. After all it says "eye as not seen nor ear heard what god has got in store for those that love him". So I went through every thing I'd done in my life and I said to GOD I am sorry and have changed my life.
To loathe my past life of sin which was dragging me to hell and I have repented and you could do the same to turn around. Dedicate your life to serving god even in small ways.
That's how I am starting with this blog and I hope it reaches someone out there. There is a hell and you don't want to go there, turn from anything that GOD says is wrong. We can't change our past but we can change from here on, no matter how bad you think you have been.
JESUS BLOOD IS ENOUGH it's enough for the whole world and JESUS loves us, and doesn't want anyone to go to hell but all come to an understanding that he is the way the truth and the life and nobody comes to the father except through him. The enemy of our souls walks around like a roaring lion ready to undermine our relationship with our creator. Read your bible, ask for HOLY SPIRIT to intemperate it to you. God loves his children and wants all to come to him loaded down with sins and burdens. In different countries of the earth and in remote places. In Africa people have been seeing visions of Jesus telling them to follow him and many are giving there lives to Jesus, He is waking up anyone from all nations tribes and languages as it says in the bible 'revelation 7 verse 9 .The bible also says in LUKE 19 -40. That he would make the rocks cry out if there was none to tell us and isn't that what is happening with visions.
It says in JOEL 2- 28. That visions would happen at the end of the age it's all happening it's all coming true. Its not too late to commit your life to Jesus who is sitting at Gods right hand..1peter 3-22. So beloved children of God come back to him because he loves you and wants to save you.